ePi Art
えぴあーと(ePi Art)とは?
アート行為としての研究であり暮らしの実践であり、アートと疫学を軸とした共創の方法です。疫学は健康影響に関する数値的エビデンスを生成する学問です。「ePi Art」はハブによる造語で、「ePi」にはepidemiology(疫学)やevidence(エビデンス)という意味に加え、 大文字の「P」にprocess, play, performance, practice, participation, poem, public healthというような意味が含まれています。エピアートでは、集まった人々がそれぞれの人生やプロジェクトで抱く「望み」から「問い」を生み、その問いを素材としながら参加者の専門や得意な事(疫学を起点とし、質的研究、アート、ビジネス、開発、まちづくり、行政など)、または好きな事(スポーツ、料理、ゲームなど)を通じて共に遊び、学び、探求し、多元的に表現し形にしていきます。これらのプロセスは常に参加者たちの望みと非分離な状態でおこなわれます。エピアートにおいてアートは、他と交換する事のできない存在が相互にコミュニケート(表現と受容・変容)し、手段と目的が分離できない行為(遊び)を指します。
What is ePi Art?
ePi Art is a fusion of research as an artistic act, a way of life, and a co-creative method grounded in art and epidemiology. Epidemiology is the study of generating numerical evidence related to health impacts. The term "ePi Art" is a coined phrase by Habu, with "ePi" representing not only epidemiology and evidence but also incorporating meanings associated with the capital "P" such as process, play, performance, practice, participation, poem, and public health.
In ePi Art, participants come together to generate "questions" derived from the "hopes" they hold in their lives or projects. These questions serve as materials for collaborative exploration. Participants engage through their respective expertise or passions—whether it be in fields such as epidemiology, qualitative research, art, business, development, comminity work, or government; or personal interests like sports, cooking, or gaming. Together, they play, learn, explore, and express themselves, crafting multidimensional creations.
This process is always deeply intertwined with the participants' aspirations.
In ePi Art, art is defined as an act where unique, irreplaceable existences communicate with one another through expression, reception, and transformation. It is an act (play) where means and ends cannot be separated, emphasizing the irreplaceable nature of the creative process.
Past Projects
渋谷キューズで公募している「QWSチェレンジ」に採択されたプロジェクト「蛸みこし ∞ ePi Art」を2024年11月から1月まで実施。「蛸みこしはタコー感を醸成するのか?」という問いを巡り、研究と創作を実践。タコー感とは私たちの多様で多元で多彩な多幸感を指します。詳細はこちらに記載されています。
The project "Tako Mikoshi ∞ ePi Art", selected for the QWS Challenge open call at Shibuya QWS, is being implemented from November 2024 to January 2025. This initiative explores the question, "Does the Tako (Octopus) Mikoshi foster Tako-Kan?", combining research and creative practice. Tako-Kan refers to a diverse, multifaceted, and richly textured sense of joy and well-being. Details can be found [here].
As part of Kyoto University's Cross-Disciplinary Platform Development Initiative, we have organized the following two events. Details can be found [here].
Additionally, we are continuing research on ePi Art through a collaborative project with the Kyoto University Institute for the Future of Human Society. Details are available [here].